Tuesday, August 9

Sweet and Sour Chicken

The slaughtering of 3 chickens happened today, they are now in a large pot on my stove boiling their little hearts out! Two of them were skinny minnies and the other hen was just chock full of fat deposits everywhere! I plan to pull the meat off the bones and freeze it to use for chicken and dumplings, soup, and chicken salad. Tim had some help from a guy that goes to our church that had never slaughtered anything before, I quote "Man, I have to admit, this is the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my ENTIRE life! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to do it because I have never done this before, but it sure is disgusting!" So there you have it, the opinion of a first timer! (disclaimer: I did NOT participate in the butchering, I CONVENIENTLY stayed at work!)

As I write this post I can't decide which word is more graphic...."slaughter" or "butcher"....what do you think? Now all I can think of is Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

Got to go

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I read about a man who was blind from birth and they operated on him and restored his sight. He was asked what the most beautiful sight was and he said the faces of his wife and children. He was asked what the ugliest sight was... He said a chicken leg. LOL