Saturday, October 23

Saturday night

Well, it's Saturday night, I spent most of the day working on my computer at home, it worked for a while then wne thaywire on me again this evening. Those Apples are looking better and better every time my Dell with it's Windows XP crashes. If we could afford it I would just go buy a Mac. I guess I could check out ebay while I am here at work....maybe there is something out there.

Am looking forward to spending half the week with my friends. Took some vacation days, we'll see how long that lasts!!

Well, programs are done, gotta go.

Monday, October 18

Survival of the fittest!

Well I survived the youth retreat! It was a blast and the kids were good, had several ADHD kids, not mentioning any names, but they did very well! The worship was great; the weather was cold and wet; the speaker was good; but the food was the best! I have never in my life had camp food that good!! It was like eating at an Old Country Buffet at every meal. I find myself wishing that the kids had more of an encounter with God than I think they had. But then again that is just my perception of what I saw, heck, maybe they did have an awesome encounter with abba daddy and they just didn't share it with me. I can be so easily discouraged sometimes!!

The new schedule at work is great. The hours are fine, might re-arrange them a bit, but I love being back to part time. I have been getting a little scared about the financial side of the new hours, but I am learning how to trust the Father with my needs in a more REAL way. How can you learn trust if there is always a safety net under you? I am eager to go deeper and learn more about my God and walk in the light of His love and grace than I ever have been before.

See ya, have a good evening!

Friday, October 15

On the road again!

Just a quick update...taking a bunch of jr and sr high kids up to a camp in Michigan for Cloud 9. Should be a great time for all of us. I will blog when I return!

Monday, October 11

Trusting in God

Well, now we have nochoice but to trust in God! I just told my boss that I wanted to cut my hours to part time and he said great! So I am now one of the free part-time workers of the world! Yeah! I am so excited about this, I feel free to explore and pursue what God is asking of me. It leaves me with time to build relationships and spend time with my family!!!

I'm soooo excited!


Sudden changes

Chessie's v-ball tourney starts tonight. They play So. Ripley whom they stomped on last week. As the chart goes it looks as if they are the # 1 seed, but I am not sure, I don't really understand all that. Hopefully they will win and advance in the tourney. I am still amazed at Chesiney's skill at serving, she puts this spin on the ball that makes it almost impossible to return. But, hey your probably thinking that I am biased or something cuz she's my daughter...well you are right and I have that obligation to boast about her!

I am going to talk to my boss today hopefully about cutting back to part time. There really isn't that much work to do right now and the other two full time employee's are getting a little worried, so I thought that it would help them feel more at ease if I cut back to part time. I am just trying to figure out what my new hours should be before I go in there.

I think it is a good thing for the company and my family.

Friday, October 8


Just thought I would let anyone know who reads my blog....( ok, so nobody does, but...) anyway, I had THE most rude customer service rep in the world this morning at AOL. I have had bad customer service before but nothing of this nature or volatility. This man, if you can call him that; insulted, ingnored and was just plain rude to me. I called to cancel my account because we are having computer problems at home and I am not sure when we are going to be able to fix them and rather than paying the $23.90/mo that I have been I wanted to be a smart person and cancel. Well he offered me a free external modem made specifically for AOL and I told him I wasn't interested and didn't have the time for a sales pitch because I was at work and he procceeded to tell me how stupid I would be not to take the free modem. He continued to speak at record speed about how they would send me the modem and suspend my billing until November all the while I am telling him I don't want it over and over again and then saying I want to speak to his supervisor and he IGNORED ME and then after I am practically shouting at him he tells me that I am in luck that he is a manager and that he WILL be the only one helping me. I told him that I was surprised he was talking to me that way when he was a manager and that I still wanted to speak with his supervisor and he refused to listen to me. He then insulted me again by saying that I would have to be stupid to not take what he was offering me and then rattled off my cancellation # so fast that I only got three of the numbers. Then he sent my call to one of those automated lines to listen to my options regarding cancellation.

The morale of the story.....


Wednesday, October 6

kingdom stuff is awesome!

I just love being a part of something that is much bigger than my little sphere of the world! Not for the boosting of my own ego, just to see when people live what scripture says and put feet and hands to it, it makes me wanna do a little dance! (My girls would say "No, please don't dance Mom, it's not a pretty sight!) I just read a friends blog, well maybe just an aquaintance because I have yet to meet him face to face, but anyway he wrote about how he feels about his neighborhood and as I read all I could say was "ditto" that's how I feel about Batesville. Check it out here

God is good! People are good! I'm feeling pretty darn good about life right now!


Tuesday, October 5

Yeah----that's MY daughter!!

Chesiney rocked in volleyball last night against So. Ripley!! She scored THE most points serving in both games. (which by the way they won!!) I think that she is the top scorer for the season! She served 13 straight times last night in the first game alone!!

Monday, October 4

Chicken Limbo

Tried to post this yesterday, but blogger wasn't cooperating!

Yes, that is a children's game, but no, that is not what I am refering to today. I refer to this as my feeling for the day/week. The week because I think this feeling is going to perpetuate itself right on through to Friday.

I went to Michael and Jamie's on Saturday, spent the night, stayed until about 10 and then came back home. I was quite disappointed coming home, had alot of time to think and to pray. I was disappointed in several things that I saw with he and Jamie, but most of all I was disappointed in realizing that I can't force a relationship with him or Jamie, but I have to wait on them to grow up. I forget that in spite of the fact that they are married and live away from home and they are adults, that they are truely still kids. They play "house" with all of the responsibilities that go along with marriage but are in fact still very much self absorbed children. This parenting adult children gets harder and harder to figure out as time goes by, you think it would get easier, but no, it gets harder. I can see this situation repeating with Cricket and Bryan.

What saddens me the most about Michael and Jamie is not the immaturity but the realization that I now don't "know" or have a real relationship with the children that I gave birth to. This fact brings me to tears every time I think about it. Michael is probably the closest relationship I have, if you can call it a relationship.

Is it going to be like this with all of our children? I hope not...if it is this parenting thing is getting to be harder than I expected.

Later Tater!