Friday, August 29


yes, thank God it's Friday! I am so glad for the weekend, now I will be able to hide the way I feel by being so busy with social stuff that I forget that I feel bad. How's that for therapy? Tim and I are going bike riding with some friends tomorrow morning...then home to mow the grass and work in the garden...then to the Rivera's for a hog roast. Sunday we are going to cincy for the WEBN fireworks right after church. We are going down to the river front, taking our bikes and going to ride around. I am watching Jaws right now, waitning for Tim to get home, was hoping Steven would call...I miss him. I ache for him and his struggles.

Thursday, August 28

continuation of last post

So, I think I am on the verge of a melt down. As I just told a friend of mine...I wanna either eat myself into oblivion or sleep until I don't feel this way anymore. I don't know why I feel this way. There is really nothing specific that has sparked it...just the slow steady drip of my life. If it was one thing I would be actively working to fix it, change it or eliminate it. I'm not sure what to do.

I must not be a writer

I totally must not be a writer. It has been soooo long since I have even been to Blogger, you would think that there must not be anything to write about. Well, I have to say that is not the case. Lot's has been going on. It seems that I only blog when I am feeling down or overwhelmed. Like when you feel overwhelmed that's what you need...ONE more thing to do! It's probably because wehn I feel those things I should really be talking to a therapist or counselor or on some kind of medication, but I don't have any of those things. If this theory is true then in all actuality I am doing quite I haven't blogged in over a year! Yes, I am feeling those things and i wish I was on some kind of med that made me feel better...but won't go to the Dr. because I am sure she will tell me I am crazy! (Which we all know I am!) Anywho...I will update on my kids because I don't know what to say about me.

Michael is still in Iraq, his wife Jamie and Ashlyn are still in Germany. He is due back to Germany in October...yeah! Ashlyn starts pre-school the first part of September, she is now 3. I would post pictures but I suck at that.

Cricket is expecting her 2nd child in March of 2009. She is attending school now, which I am totally proud of her for. Adryanna is now 1 and a handful. Tim and I thoroughly enjoy her! She and ronny are still not married...but together. Yes, you heard a little frustration in my writing about that.

Kyrie has begun her 2nd year at ISU. She loves school and is looking forward to teaching. Basje has not yet proposed to her...he is in his last year at OSU but he will be a graduate student we speculate that he is waiting until he has a job and can support her. (Although they always talk about living on her salary to pay off their student loans with his salary)

Ashley is in her 2nd year of school also. She is anxious to be done with this 2 year degree so she and John can start a family. She so wants to be a mom! She is going to be a fabulous mother!

Steven is due to be released from Henryville in June of 2009. He is currently doing a rehab program there and is hoping for a three month time cut. He is doing wonderful...I have seen God do amazing things in his life since he has been incarcerated. He has grown up in ways that only God can do through circumstances like his. I am so proud to call him my son!

Chesiney is now a junior in high school. She is working and doing well. There is no boy in her life right now...she wishes there was!

Tim just bought a 1971 VW bug...much work needs to be done to it, but he assured me he would still drive it to work! It should be a cute little thing when he is done with it. (like we have the money to finish it anytime soon!) The basement is still in the works.

I am gearing up to work my postal job full time for a short time. The guy I sub for is retiring in October...but they won't post his job until that means several months of good money! We are planning on paying off a bunch of credit cards...hopefully! Then maybe I won't have to go back to work except to sub for the new carrier. (you know, find another job to fill in)

so that is that at the Harness house. I might post about what is going on with me and my mental status sometime...or not!