Thursday, September 9

Ms. Crabby pants

Woke up yesterday in a crabby mood. Came to work yesterday and tried to post my thoughts and get them out of me, but blogger wouldn't publish my writing. Took it personal, like my writing wasn't good enough for the "all supreme blog engine"! Of course that was the crabby pants talking. Went to my jr high girls small group was TOTALLY blessed by their prayer time and the way they pray for one another. Feel highly priviledged to be able to share in their sprititual growth! :0) That made me Ms. Happy pants; until the ride home. Then the subject of Cricket and Bryan getting married came up...threw me into a tizzy cuz they are saying now the date is December 18th. I asked her who was paying for it because I had already told her that December was not good due to Christmas expenses. To make a long story short, I guess they are getting married in December. :( There is so much more that I can say about this issue, but won't at this time.

Looking forward to another volleyball game this evening. Chessie's team is 3-0 right now, hopefully they can keep it up.

Tim is waiting on a call from the terminal mgr to let him know when he starts his new position. Suposed to be tomorrow, but may not be until next week. Why do I get the feeling that the company is goint to drag this out as long as they can?

Have a question fot you....why is it when God give you a great desire to do something, you see the need for it to be done, and all you really wanna do is that thing, there comes a ton of obstacles for you to get over and the task seems much more impossible? Can anyone explain this to me??

Gotta get to work. Later taters!

1 comment:

christa said...

just checking to see if my comments work or not