Monday, December 20

Manic Monday

Alright, I'll admit it, while growing up in the late 70's/early 80's I was a total metal head, loved the hard stuff at a tender age (still do as a matter of fact! :)), but I still held a soft spot for the ever popular Go-Go's. All that to explain that this is a Manic Monday for me! I am dealing with a couple hard files at work and my mother flies in this afternoon to stay a week, the house is not totally clean and the goats are up on the deck again. I can't complain too much about the goats because I am the one who said that they are lonely down in the pen and I am the one who said "Leave the gate open, they won't be up on the deck very often!" Well now they have taken up residence on our deck, Tim moved a dog house to the deck, set up a heat lamp (as the temperature is going to hover around the teens for the next couple days) and water dish for them, so now they are adding their own little decorations to our deck in the form of little pellets that look like raisinettes! At least they are easy to sweep of and the temperature is cold enought that they don't smell bad. I have to admit it is nice to just look out my kitchen door and see them and hear them bleat! I know, I know, I am weird! It could be worse, we could have more than two!

On the good side of today, I got all of the Christmas shopping done, even the stocking stuffers!
And God is STILL good!

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