Monday, September 26

New attitude about Scripture

I have noticed over the past couple weeks that my desire to read scripture has grown. I am more than ever finding it my life line to daily life. Not that I didn't read it before to gain insight, in my quiet time with God, and to hear wht the Father has to say, but I don't remember ever having the feeling of being starved if I haven't read SOMETHING from the Word. I pick up my Bible, it seems, every hour or two needing to read something out of it, always asking God to speak to me when I open it up, like I am going to pick up the phone to talk to my sister or something. I love the thought that all I have to do is open up this worn book on my desk and I will hear the voice of my God on the pages! I know this all sounds very elementary to those of you who believe, and very immature to those of you who have been walking with God for a long time; I don't care, I am just grateful and thankful that God rekindled a passion and desire for His written word in my heart that hasn't been there in a long time!

So, I was very frustrated when I ran across this article on a website that my mom forwarded to me. Sorry it is not all nice and pretty and compact into a one word link, I can't figure out how to do that yet! So if anyone can educate me on that please feel free to do so! I cannot imagine eliminating anything from the Word of God! Even in the name of convenience!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

The world and the people in it get stranger and more bizarre every day. I thought the last part of Revelation kind of covered the whole issue of "editing" the Bible... I guess some people forgot about that. It's a crazy world.

From one perky Christian to another, Shalom. ;)