Wednesday, January 26

The Discipline of Abiding in Him

A good friend of mine shared with me something that she desires for herself and for others. The ability to "abide in Christ" even when it is boring or there are no feelings attached to the moment. Many times God is silent when we draw close to Him. Many times I don't "feel" anything when I percieve that I am in His presence. Meaning, my emotions don't get carried away, I am not a blubbering idiot, I don't laugh un-controlably, I don't get loud and obnoxious and I don't always shed a tear. I do not believe that this means that I am not connecting with God or that I am not spiritual enough to come into His presence; I think it just means that I just wanna be with Him. Remember when you first fell in love with someone? All you wanted to do is just be near them. It didn't matter if you were going somewhere, doing something, or saying anything to each other, you just wanted to be in the same room with them. That is where I am at right now with my Father. I don't need for Him to speak to me, I don't need for Him to make me feel a certain way, I don't need for Him to give me anything or entertain me, I JUST WANT TO BE WHERE HE IS! I am sorry if this is not anything new with you, but it is huge with me right now. I love Him soooo much that I just desire to sit next to Him in the quiet and stillness. I am not to live my life based on my feelings or my boredom, but I am required to live my life abiding in Him every second of every day.

Help me O God to abide in You more than I abide in this world around me. Help me not to "need" some form of stimulation to "feel" like I am living.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I think it makes sense that "nothing happens" when we are in His presence. I think that kind of calm, that degree of quietness, only comes when we are with someone we love and relate to on a deep level. It's like the comfort you feel with a dear friend or close family member. You can sit with them or ride in the car and you don't feel compelled to talk. You can share comfortable silence because you are in a special place with them. I think that is EXACTLY what you are describing here.