Sunday, November 18

Much to be thankful for this year

Well, I have much to be thankful for this year. No I have not fallen off the face of the earth, I forgot my login password for blogger and then asked to reset it and never got the email...turns out I was using a different email account. So, here I am almost a full year since my last post. Boy have things changed for me. I will start by giving you aquick run down of the kids lives in Iraq again, for the 3rd time while his wife and daughter Ashlyn are in Germany awaiting his return next year. Jamie and Ashlyn will be in the States for Christmas...YEAH!! a new mommy as of August 23 at 6:31am. she had a little girl and named her Adryanna Rose. She is the best thing since sliced bread!! I thought I would be going through grandbaby withdrawl when Jamie and Ashlyn went to Germany, but Adryanna keeps me full to the brim with Grandma love! a new wife to John. They live in Green Valley AZ, she absolutely loves being a wife and is a great bread maker!! They are comign out for Christmas this year! I realized as I spoke with her about their plans that I haven't spent a Christmas with her since she was about 3. I am so excited to share the Holiday with her!! currently enjoying her Freshman year at Indiana State, making wonderful grades of course! She is coming home Tuesday, boy do I miss her!

Steven...well, he is awaiting a new plea bargin from the prosecutor. Sadly he will be spending the Holidays in county jail. I miss him, but know that God has His purpose for Stevens life and he is right where he needs to be for now. basking in the attention from her first boyfriend experience. While she is pursuing that relationship she is coping with the usual teen drama of a 16 year olds life!

Tim and I are doing wonderful, trying to prepare ourselves for the inevitable "empty nest". We are selling the house (at least trying to) and working alot.

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