Monday, March 20

Listening Prayer

I met with some friends of mine last week, who so graciously agreed to hlep me through this "Listening Prayer" model. They let me be the perverbial guinea pig. We had gone through this Saturday seminar/training at C-Hop a few weeks back and all felt like this was a wonderful tool to help people. So, as I mentioned a few posts back God had been stirring up some deep issues that He has wanted to take a look at and weed out and so this is how I ended up as the guinea pig!

I must just say, this is the most peaceful and wonderful way of conversing with Jesus! I have become the biggest fan of listening prayer! (Technically it is the "Theophostic" approach to inner healing. If you want a more detailed description of how that session went I would be most happy to share it. As of today I am experiencing freedom I have never known before! God is amazingly good and thourogh. I am struck by His omniprescence, the ability to be everywhere all the time, even in the past, for His time is not our time. I worship a mighty God who only desires good for me and you!

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