Monday, October 11

Sudden changes

Chessie's v-ball tourney starts tonight. They play So. Ripley whom they stomped on last week. As the chart goes it looks as if they are the # 1 seed, but I am not sure, I don't really understand all that. Hopefully they will win and advance in the tourney. I am still amazed at Chesiney's skill at serving, she puts this spin on the ball that makes it almost impossible to return. But, hey your probably thinking that I am biased or something cuz she's my daughter...well you are right and I have that obligation to boast about her!

I am going to talk to my boss today hopefully about cutting back to part time. There really isn't that much work to do right now and the other two full time employee's are getting a little worried, so I thought that it would help them feel more at ease if I cut back to part time. I am just trying to figure out what my new hours should be before I go in there.

I think it is a good thing for the company and my family.

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