Wednesday, September 1

4:20 and already tired

Only 40 minutes to go until I get to make a bee line for the door! don't get me wrong, I love my job, just overly tired today. It never ceases to amaze me how long the day feels when I have had a big lunch. Oh well!

Planning a surprise party for my daughter, she's turning 16 in a few weeks. Does it count as a surprise when she asked for it? Not sure about that, but she promised she would act surprised! She is also getting a HUGE surprise in the next week or so...her grandpa and us (Tim and I) bought her a car. Nothing grand, just a 98 chevy cavalier. Needs new brakes which we are doing tommorow. This is her "dream" car, minus the black bumpers. We got a great deal on it, she shoudl be happy. I feel sorta bad, we didn't do this for Cricket when she turned 16 and we didn't do this for Michael when he turned 16. I am also a little scared, is Chesiney gonna expect the same in 3 years when she turns 16??? Lordy, lordy did we just set a precident?? I hope not!

Tim starts his new job @ the same company on the 10th. He will be home EVERY day, that will be really strange after years of him being gone most of the week. Not sure how we (the girls and I) are going to adjust to that.

Well, gotta go, took me WAY too long to post this!
later tater!

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