Man this week went by so fast. As I sit and watch the lightning out my window I realize that this week went lightning fast. Did I do all that I was supposed to do this week? (NO) Was I lazy for most of the week? (YES)Did I do all that I could to find employment? (PROBABLY NOT) Did I spend time with the Lord since I am not working? (NO) Did I commit to going to the Y now that I don't have the excuse of having to work? (NO) Oh how much time I waste! As much as I crabbed about not having enought ime to do anything while I was working, you would think I would have been commited to using my time more wisely since I have been unemployed.
I am finding myself frustrated with the new dog, Lily. They said she was house trained and she is not. She has discoverd chewing on anything and everything. Chesiney seems to not be able to handle the responsibility of taking care of her. Why do I feel like it is my responsibility? B/C I am the only one who thinks about it!!!!! I swear the rest of the family thinks she can take care of herself, like let herself outside when she has to go, pour her own dog food, fill her water bowl, clean up after herself when she decides to chew one of my shoes. Maybe we should have gotten an older dog. She is almost a year old, that is still pretty young. I don't know, I am jsut venting.
I am feeling a bit discouraged right now. Every single one of the places I have submitted my resume to has shot me down. One place hasn't given me an answer yet, shoudl know something next week. Yeah, not feeling good enough for anything right now. Probably due to the fact that I haven't been spending enough time with God and in His Word.
Well, I am going to go work on somethings.