So, today has been a tad bit stressful. But I am managing it. Had some good news today, a friend of mine who was helping me with my resume for this new B&B opening up here had called the owner because she knows her, finally go her to call back. My friend told her about me and the owner was very excited about receiving my resume. (I sent it out today) She told my friend that she woudl call me when she got it, she hasn't hired anyone yet, so it sounds like I might have a good shot at a job. My current boss, who happens to be a friend, will most likely not be too happy that I will be leaving. I have tried other jobs, with nothing being fruitfull, I woudl really like this one to work out. It all depends on how much she is willing to pay. I have potential int he current job I am in, I just don't like working on commision. It is not a motivating factor for me. Maybe it would be if I were the only one making the $$, but I am not nor ever will be. We'll see how this goes!
Haven't heard from the pug rescue people yet. So nothing has changed there. I have not been so good at going tothe Y and working out like I should. am not eating very well either.
Church I am frustrated with, I keep praying for God's will, I keep praying about leaving the church we are in, but God doesn't seem to be moving on my schedule, huh, imagine that.
I go to Arizona the first part of May, am driving with my daughter Ashley back to the midwest. I am really looking forward to that time with her. She is 18 and ready to strick out on her own and I am praying that God will give me words to encourage her with and time to bond a little more before she is fully out on her own.
Kyrie is getting ready for her junior prom, she has a date with Sandi's older son, Bastian, (pronounced Bosha) I think she is beginning to warm up to dating. She really likes him, and I think is hoping this will go beyond the prom.
Chesiney is gearing up to go to Washington DC with her 8th grade class next week. I will miss her, but I think she is going to have fun time. I am praying for their safety!
Steven is still in BT at Ft Sill, he will be graduating in June. We all plan on going out there for his graduation. That is going to be a fun trip! I told the girls that we were going to stop at all of the weird tourist attractions between here and there, they were not too enthusiastic about that. In fact Chesieny said "Do we really ahve to stop at the biggest ball of twine?" I said yes, of course we do!
Ashlyn and Jamie are doing well, they are heading up to her mom's for easter, so am hoping they will stop by. Ashlyn is getting so big! I predict she will be walking by the time Michael comes home on his mid tour leave in May!
That is about all that is going on around here.