Tuesday, September 27

Michael's unit overseas...Michael is third from the left in the second row. How very proud I am of him!  Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 26

New attitude about Scripture

I have noticed over the past couple weeks that my desire to read scripture has grown. I am more than ever finding it my life line to daily life. Not that I didn't read it before to gain insight, in my quiet time with God, and to hear wht the Father has to say, but I don't remember ever having the feeling of being starved if I haven't read SOMETHING from the Word. I pick up my Bible, it seems, every hour or two needing to read something out of it, always asking God to speak to me when I open it up, like I am going to pick up the phone to talk to my sister or something. I love the thought that all I have to do is open up this worn book on my desk and I will hear the voice of my God on the pages! I know this all sounds very elementary to those of you who believe, and very immature to those of you who have been walking with God for a long time; I don't care, I am just grateful and thankful that God rekindled a passion and desire for His written word in my heart that hasn't been there in a long time!

So, I was very frustrated when I ran across this article on a website that my mom forwarded to me. http://www.worthynews.com/zone.cgi?http://news.telegraph.co.uk/core/Content/displayPrintable.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/22/nbible22.xml&site=5 Sorry it is not all nice and pretty and compact into a one word link, I can't figure out how to do that yet! So if anyone can educate me on that please feel free to do so! I cannot imagine eliminating anything from the Word of God! Even in the name of convenience!

Friday, September 23

Back to a normal life for me

Well, I did it, I quit Kroger. I no longer work odd hours, miss seeing my girls, make minimum wage, have to wear a uniform, or be in a union. I am FREE!!! Thank you God, for the experience, the teaching, and the grace that you gave to my family while I went through this!

Monday, September 19

The bittersweetness of Grandchildren

Jamie and the baby stopped to spend the night last night before heading down to Ft Campbell. Before they got here I was frustrated and hurt that she just spent two and a half weeks at her moms and couldn't find the time or effort to spend more than 24 hours with us. As my own mother-in-law's words echo in my ear: "Welcome to life as a Mother-in-Law" I sit trying to reconcile the fact that I may not get the chance to be a big part of Ashlyn's little life. That is hard. I totally fell in love with her. I would give my life for her. I do know this, no matter what, she will ALWAYS know that I love her and she is safe and welcome in my home at all times!

So, Jamie left this morning; we offered to keep Sadie for her. Not really an even trade in my book, but it will be fine. I am just praying I don't become resentful!

Wednesday, September 14

So, I finally have a day off at the place of business that is work, but am at the place of business that is work but doesn't feel like work. It's funny, the contrast between the two jobs that I work is extreme. I will do a list for you:

  1. time clock
  2. standing all the time
  3. face to face contact with different people all the time
  4. big unionized corporation
  5. uniform
  6. several different bosses
  7. low paying, weekly paycheck
  8. exhausting
  9. fast paced
  10. varied hours


  1. free to set my own hours
  2. sitting @ desk all day
  3. telephone contact w/people mostly
  4. small family owned company
  5. casual office attire
  6. one big cheese
  7. big paychecks, when I get them
  8. relaxing work (yeah, it's true!)
  9. slow going
  10. 9-5 relatively all the time

The one thing I hate about large corporations is the feeling of having smoke blowed up your *ss about the things they promised you at time of hiring. I told them I could only work 25-30 hours a week and they assured me this was a part time position, I have yet to work a week that was less than 35 hours. Was hired for upfront customer service/office; still, for the most part cashiering. I know those things sound small and maybe insignificante, but they are huge to me. I had a conversation with the mgr. that does the scheduling yesterday that went like this:

Betty: "Christa, do you want to be trained up here? (meaning customer service/office)"

Me: "Yes, yes I do, I was hired for that."

Betty: "YOu don't mind the 4-midnight shift?"

Christa: "No, as long as I am not working more than 25-30 hours a week. I have another job, family and church stuff that I am responsible for."

Betty: "But what if it is a dire emergency that you work 40 hours a week?"

Christa: "Well, I guess if it is a dire emergency I would do it. But I am already burning the candle at both ends, so would prefer not to."

Betty: "But you would if it was an emergency right?"

Christa: "Yeah, I guess so."

It ended like that, I guess I need to go in tonight and see if I can look at the projected schedule to see what she scheduled me for. I am debating as to what to do if I am scheduled another 35-40 hours this coming week. If I am, I am half tempted to give them notice.

I am excited, Jamie and Ashlyn will be coming down on Saturday. I can't wait to see Ashlyn! I determined today that I don't see them enough, now I just have to figure out how to change that situation! I haven't heard from Michael in awhile, although I am sure Jamie has. No news is good news in my book!

Friday, September 9

Big hunk of "jerky" to chew on for awhile

I was spending a little quiet time this morning before I left, had asked God to speak to me...so He directs me to 1 Peter 4. Don't ask me how He directed me to this, He just always does it the same way. A scripture address, such as 1 Peter 4, pops into my head and I go there, end of story. It's always from Him, so I have learned to trust when I hear. So, anyway, I am reading this passage and this is what it says:

1 Peter 4:1-11 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society
1 Peter 4
Living for God 1Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. 2As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God. 3For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. 4They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. 5But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. 6For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit.
7The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

So I am sitting there stunned by just the first verse. "Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, ARM YOURSELVES ALSO with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is DONE WITH SIN." I go on to read the rest of the passage and I am beginning to realize there is more information there than I can handle right now so I am left to chew on it like a cow chews her cudd. I feel as though I have been run over by a freight train! There are MANY nuggets of gold to pull out of this scripture, I am going to have fun with this!

By the way, regarding the post of yesterday, I have to, I must give all of the credit and glory to God for my children. He is the only one who fixed those things that I screwed up in my kids lives and made them all who they are today. So, I give you God all of the praise and glory and pride for my children!

Thursday, September 8

Teens are not as bad as everyone thinks they are

I just wanted to let everyone know just how great my kids are! Starting with the youngest, I will just share with you why I think they are wonderful.

Chesiney (to your left) a.ka. Chesinita, Chester, Chessie, Chester Copperpot, Chester Cheetah, is kind and loving, does the dishes without being asked, a most talented volleyball, basketball, softball, well any sport for that matter, player, is an all around good kid, beautiful young lady, but most of all, makes me laugh so hard I wet my pants, funny! I couldn't have asked for a better daughter!

Kyrie (row 1, 1st one on the left), a.k.a. Audge, Audrey, Kyrie Andrea Nicole St.Peter, Puck :). Kyrie is awesome because she will do anything that you ask her to do! (Well, except go fishing!) She is a prayer warrior, an excellent student, she works hard and ALWAYS thinks of others before herself. She is kind and gentle, is wonderful with little kids, VERY patient with them, commited to purity and is a wonderful big sister to Chesiney! She has a great sense of humor too, she tries to make me wet my pants and succeeds sometimes!

Ashley, a.ka. Jellybean. Ashley is a wonderful daughter because she is strong and determined to make something of herself. She is caring and kind, beautiful and gracious. She loves to text message and can do it much faster than I can! She loves people and even likes to hang out with me! :0) She means more to mean than she will ever know, until she has a child of her own! She is awesome at plucking eyebrows....mine and Chessies are bushy now that she is gone! She too will do anything that you ask her to!

Steven, whom I don't have a picture of that I can post here, a.k.a. Steve, is a wonderful young man who loves God and people! He puts peoples needs before his own, is willing to try anything...even rides at Kings Island he never rode before! Steven is very outgoing, will talk to anyone, make friends with anyone and is a very loyal friend. He has a great sense of humor, I love to hear him tell jokes and love it when he makes me laugh. He too will do anything you ask him to do, no questions asked!

Cricket, a.k.a. Shorty, Her Royal Shortness, Brandalin, Cracker is a wonderful young lady because she is independent and strong. She knows what she wants and she goes after it. She has strong opinions and is not affraid to voice them. She is beautiful and has perfect teeth! Even without years of braces! she has a phenominal smile that just forces you to smile when you see it! She is Quick to forgive, loves the Lord. She loves even when she doesnt' really want to! She will ride any ride with me at Kings Island and scream at the top of her lungs!

Michael, a.k.a. Mike, is my first born. He is no longer a teen, but I had to tell just how proud and awesome he is. He is the first of my children to give me a beautiful grand daughter! He proudly serves our country in the Army, is in Iraq for the second time now, he is an honorable young man who loves his wife and child with all that is in him. He is caring and considerate, would do anything for anyone. He is responsible and full of integrity. He is a great hunter, he just doesn't get to do it that often! He has turned into a man that I am proud to call my son!

I am proud of all my children and count myself EXTREMELY blessed to have been choosen to be "mom" to these six people. I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of kids!

Tuesday, September 6