Michael's unit overseas...Michael is third from the left in the second row. How very proud I am of him!

trying to make it to the deep end of the thought pool
The one thing I hate about large corporations is the feeling of having smoke blowed up your *ss about the things they promised you at time of hiring. I told them I could only work 25-30 hours a week and they assured me this was a part time position, I have yet to work a week that was less than 35 hours. Was hired for upfront customer service/office; still, for the most part cashiering. I know those things sound small and maybe insignificante, but they are huge to me. I had a conversation with the mgr. that does the scheduling yesterday that went like this:
Betty: "Christa, do you want to be trained up here? (meaning customer service/office)"
Me: "Yes, yes I do, I was hired for that."
Betty: "YOu don't mind the 4-midnight shift?"
Christa: "No, as long as I am not working more than 25-30 hours a week. I have another job, family and church stuff that I am responsible for."
Betty: "But what if it is a dire emergency that you work 40 hours a week?"
Christa: "Well, I guess if it is a dire emergency I would do it. But I am already burning the candle at both ends, so would prefer not to."
Betty: "But you would if it was an emergency right?"
Christa: "Yeah, I guess so."
It ended like that, I guess I need to go in tonight and see if I can look at the projected schedule to see what she scheduled me for. I am debating as to what to do if I am scheduled another 35-40 hours this coming week. If I am, I am half tempted to give them notice.
I am excited, Jamie and Ashlyn will be coming down on Saturday. I can't wait to see Ashlyn! I determined today that I don't see them enough, now I just have to figure out how to change that situation! I haven't heard from Michael in awhile, although I am sure Jamie has. No news is good news in my book!