Monday, August 22

One week down, many more to go

I survived my first week of working two jobs. I know I full filled my commitment to my hourly job, from my observations I didn't short change my commission job. I never anticipated it to be difficult to manage both and it's not. I just found myself second guessing the job at Kroger mainly because I wasn't doing what I wanted to do. I had to miss Youth prayer last night which is something that I truely enjoy, because I had to work at Kroger. But in the midst of my shift at Kroger I knew that I was where I was supposed to be. Nothing major one got saved in aisle 4, I didn't get to pray with someone for healing at register 8, I didn't even get to share my faith with a co-worker, I didn't even get a solid chance to pray over the store at any time last night; but I KNOW that I KNOW I was supposed to be there last night. I don't understand the reasoning, I certainly could find another part time job that pays more, but that is not what God has planned. So here I sit, splitting my time between Legacy, Kroger, my family and church. I no longer have any days off per se, but am finding it very satisfying to be doing what my Father wishes me to do.

On a more intense note...Michael is leaving his wife and new baby girl this coming weekend. Not by choice but by orders from the DoD. His unit is being deployed for a second time to Iraq. I am sad that he will miss most of his daughters "first's". Although he did get to see her first 2 teeth! I am sad that he has to leave Jamie to fend for herself at Ft Campbell, this is where I struggle with his decision to buy a house down there. I wish she had the freedom to go back home to Ft Wayne and live with her mom until he came back. But all I can do is pray that she endures and God surrounds her with people that love Him and that she comes home often! :)

Tim, the girls (I think) and I are going down to Ft Campbell on Saturday morning. we will be back on Tuesday.

Well, back to work!

Friday, August 12

Super Niece to the Rescue

If you check out this link you will find the cutest story about my niece! You may read the blog and think that Kayla's mom is just bragging about her little girl, but I am here to tell you that EVERYTHING that Jenn says Kayla does, she does. She truely is a smart child! So much so that I have encouraged Jenn to look into a school for the gifted!

So, I start work at Kroger's tomorrow! Yea! I have to do some training and then work on the register for awhile, because you know everyone has to know how to run a register. I am looking forward to doing this...I know most people would say "Why are you looking forward to a 2nd job?" I am looking forward to it for 2 reasons: First, I believe it is a God job, meaning that God has a plan for me there. My jobs, routinely have been born out of a prayer assignment from God, so I count it an honor to do this for Him! Second, it will be extra $$ to help pay off the credit card debt that we have racked up over the last couple years. I began the snowball effect into credit card debt by rationalizing in my head that I needed to establish my credit in case anything ever happened to Tim. Yeah, that was a stupid move...started out with one card...then two...then another which paid off the original two...then another one...then convinced Tim to get one for some reason I can't remember...then convinced Tim to get another one for another unknown reason. Yes, I am the instigator in these bad choices I admit. I suck at handling credit is like giving a package of disinfectant wipes to a person with OCD, they can't help but wipe everything down.....I can't help but rack up credit cards.

Ok, I got a little personal there...more so than I think I really want out there for everyone to see. But I will be brave and post it anyway. If you pretend that a problem isn't there or you try to hide it, it just gets bigger and bigger. So I ask you, plead with you, if you see me out there in the big world buying stuff...ask me if I have permission to buy and is it really neccesary. Help a sister to stay accountable!

Tuesday, August 9

Sweet and Sour Chicken

The slaughtering of 3 chickens happened today, they are now in a large pot on my stove boiling their little hearts out! Two of them were skinny minnies and the other hen was just chock full of fat deposits everywhere! I plan to pull the meat off the bones and freeze it to use for chicken and dumplings, soup, and chicken salad. Tim had some help from a guy that goes to our church that had never slaughtered anything before, I quote "Man, I have to admit, this is the most disgusting thing I have ever done in my ENTIRE life! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to do it because I have never done this before, but it sure is disgusting!" So there you have it, the opinion of a first timer! (disclaimer: I did NOT participate in the butchering, I CONVENIENTLY stayed at work!)

As I write this post I can't decide which word is more graphic...."slaughter" or "butcher"....what do you think? Now all I can think of is Texas Chainsaw Massacre!

Got to go

Monday, August 8

What I like about Mondays

I have a question....Why would Blogger make Webdings one of the fonts to choose from when writing a post?? I mean could you really understand Nything that was written if you used that font? Translation: Could you really understand anything that you wrote using that font?

So today is Monday...above I said that I would share what I like about Mondays. Well, I like the fact that God's mercies are new this morning. (although, I don't hink that counts because they are new EVERY morning) I like Mondays because when you have a good Sunday full of worship, fellowship, laughter, friends, teachings, prayer and baptisms, I am still prising God for the things He did yesterday! I also like Mondays because they are my hubbys day off! (he is then home to do those things that are important and have value to him!) Monday's are great because I feel like I can always start over.

Friday, August 5

The sound of lightning

Have you ever really listened to lightning? When it is far off it sounds strong and solid, when it is right over your head and all around you, to me it sounds hollow. Deafening and scary, but hollow.

My office building just got hit by lightning; there was no damage, a co-workers computer just shut down but didn't fry it. Thank God for surge protectors.

I have alot to write about, just not sure what to write about on here. I think I will leave it at that right now. I am going to go check out Ebay for a digital camera...maybe I will get lucky, we need one!

Thursday, August 4

Elephants, chickens and dogs, OH MY!

Elephants: Ever had a relationship with someone that ALWAYS had an elephant in the livingroom? Sometime's the elephant can be quiet and calm and other times it can be loud and breaking everything in the room. God, please quiet the elephant in the livingroom!!

Chickens: Will have the wonderful first experience of butchering a few chickens in the next couple days. I am looking forward to making fresh chicken and dumplins!

Dogs: Did you know that someone in Korea has cloned man's best friend? Check it out!
Chesiney, don't get no ideas about Bailey!!

Wednesday, August 3 I will have to admit that I have THE most beautiful granddaughter in the whole wide world! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 2

Introducing my grand daughter. Ashlyn Marie St John. Born 7/30/2005 @ 1:18pm, 6lbs, 14oz, 20 inches long Posted by Picasa