See, I told you the spring like weather wouldn't last! It is COLD today! To quote Chesiney: "It's butt cold!!" Not really sure what I wanna write about, there has been so much that has been going on. My sister finally moved out of the stone age and got a computer and is actually emailing me! (Glad to have you sis if you are reading this! This is something you might be interested in doing....your own blog....give you a writing outlet that the whole wordl could see!) Not that the whole world would ever see it...but really, who cares if they wouldn't know it! is still coming at me pretty fast. God is doing some amazing things in the midst of life. He is such a clever God! You can't possibly predict what He is going to do! That is exciting and frightening at the same time. Well, I gotta get back to work. Oh, in case I didn't share, Jamie is doing fine still. I will try and post the ultrasound picture! You can't tell what or where it is...well maybe some of you can but I can't! If you can let me in one the secret...I would love to know where to look to find my grandson/daughter!